Teacher & Yoga Therapist

Teacher & Yoga Therapist

Nickyy, is an internationally renowned senior yoga teacher with 20 years experience of teaching across the world. She offers community yoga classes around South Norfolk including the areas of Ellingham, Yaxham and Attleborough. Drawing on decades of teaching, university level health and wellness education and and a committed personal practice her passion is to create a healing space where people can return home safely to their bodies, regulate their nervous system and calm heart and mind. As a yoga therapist, she provides 1-1 therapeutic and remedial client sessions. She also runs yoga workshops and organises local and international yoga and meditation retreats. Nickyy is a qualified Reiki level 2 practitioner and offers 60 minute healing sessions in her beautiful home treatment room in Hingham. If you are interested in finding out more and booking a session please get in touch. If you are interested in booking a yoga class, please book directly through the website link. 

Nickyy is recognised and registered with the UK accrediting body "Yoga Alliance Professionals" and fully insured for all the services she offers.